Joyous Noel!
There’s so many beautiful Christmas Carols you can learn and sing with family that I wanted to share some of our favorites with you.
What we do in our family is usually a nice big Christmas lunch with all our family and then we go and join our friends for a Christmas evening kirtan celebration. I love this, so special! We always have Jesus on the altar with Krishna.
1. Bless The Lord
Let us offer our respectful obeisances to Lord Jesus Christos who dedicates his life to the Supreme Person.
Jesus made it very clear that the Supreme Lord is his heart, and that he is the heart of the Supreme Lord.
Krishna says:
The saints are my heart and I am their heart. They are always thinking of me and embracing me, and I am always thinking of them and embracing them.
Jesus Christ stands as our inspiration. He is the embodiment of love for God and all living beings, and such love should be celebration with the congregational glorification of God and His Holy Names on the appearance day of Lord Jesus Christ, and on every other day of the year!
With the most beautiful lyrics, and combined with that soul-stirring Hare Krishna Maha Mantra! Gotta watch this beautiful sound clip of the Choir of Angels with the beautiful frangipani flower wristlets and candles (battery operated thank you) Honestly this one might be my absolute favorite!
2. Prayer of St. Francis
The first and foremost commandment of Jesus is to love the Supreme Father with all our heart.
When we look at Jesus Christ we see in him what we aspire for, and what we hope and pray to acheive.
There is a saying that when you ask God for something, you will receive it.
Jesus Christ is showing us what we should ask for, what we should pray for and that is unconditional love for God and for all living beings.
Such pure spiritual love will make it so that we are happy, free and peaceful, and that the world is happy free and peaceful.
3.When Love Was Born
Christmas is a celebration of Gods love for us. From time to time, the Supreme Person, Sri Krishna, sends an empowered representative to this world to invite us back to Him.
Such was the case when the pure love, son, and servant of God, Lord Jesus Christ appeared in this world, bringing with him the greatest gift, the gift of pure spiritiual love.
He embodied a love that embraced all living beings. This song celebrates the night that such selfless spiritual love in the person of Jesus Christ was born.
4.Blessed Be Your Name
Introducing this beautiful powerful hymn, and I wanted to include it here, because it really encapsulates the very meaning of this beautiful prayer.
Pure love for God is already residing dormant in our hearts, but it is covered over by so much material contamination. By coming into contact with God I become purified of all that is keeping me from experiencing pure spiritual love. In this age the Supreme Lord, out of His Causeless mercy descends as His Holy Name, transcendental sound, and it is a very simple way to come into contact with Him through that sound.
Jaya Jesus means All Glories to Jesus.
5. Day By Day
Jesus first commandment is to love God. His second commandment is like unto it: Love our neighbour as our selves. Love for others, for our neighbours, for our enemies, cannot be separated from love for God because love for God is the unifiying factor. We pray that our love for God will grow day by day.
This beautiful Christmas carol starts beautifully solemn, and then has such a fun, swinging, getting into it upbeat sound! We love it 🙂
6. The Message
Resonating with Vaishnava’s, this beautiful song praising Lord Jesus Christ, a pure devotee of the Supreme Lord. You might never have heard this one before! It’s one I grew up with! I could sing it if I lost every other memory, I know it so well! SUPER BEAUTIFUL!
7.What Child Is This?
A beautiful soaring soprano version of this beautiful song about baby Jesus, kids love this one… I love how they have incorporated the Om Hari Om – I didn’t grow up “Christian” so I have no idea if these tunes are fresh or new or old, and pretty much every traditional carol is a revelation to me 🙂 LOVING it!
8.Happy Birthday Jesus
I’m sure you have heard a version or two of this beautiful Happy Birthday Jesus Christmas song – it was the star of 2018 for us! Here’s my daughter with her friends signing it at a nursing home. Can you see how they are doing their earnest best? After 3 months of carol practices, they’ll never forget the lyrics or tunes of these songs!
9.Jesus Loves the Little Ones
Definitely get to throw yourself into this Christmas song! It’s so fun, we usually love to point and poke and giggle with the hand gestures!
10.O Holy Night
This beautiful soul stirring song of praise never gets old! You know it I’m sure, but I really had to include it in this list of loveliness!