
Daksa – Shuka Parrot Pair

Original price was: $10.Current price is: $8.

Pair of cute yellow and green parrots – Krishna’s parrot animal friends, the shuka (which means parrot) Daksa & Vicaksana are eternal friends of Sweet Krishna, in transcendental Vrindavan.

Made from a lightweight resin, these darling parrots can be set up on your altar as Krishna’s friends, or added to games of playing with your Krishna dolls.

We often hear about the charming activities of Krishna’s parrot friends, and how they make Him blush by relating stories in allusion to the intimate and secret pastimes of Sweet Krishna and Radharani!

These yellow and green parrots suit all your different styles of Krishna dolls, being quite miniature.

Approximately 1 inch in length.

In stock

These tiny chamara are the perfect size to offer to Sri Radhika to hold – there are two sizes available.

None small chamara whisk +$10 large chamara whisk +$12


The pastimes of Radha and Krishna are frequently enlivened by charming Parrots, two friends of RadhaKrsna who are always engaged in chanting the glories of Radha Krsna.

One such parrot friend of Krishna is named Daksa, another is named Vicaksana.

Radharani also has parrot friends, and Suksmadhi and Subha are Her two pet parrots

It’s so sweet and fun to offer Krishna animal friends either as accessories for your Krishna doll toys for playing games with, or to enhance the sweetness of your altar worshipping sri Krishna deity

Additional information

Weight 5 g
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 5 cm

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