We had found and bought this gorgeous little girls dress with the specific intention of dismantling it and reconstructing as an outfit for KRISHNA!
My sister Radha dasi worships this most exquisite Krishna, and it is my pleasure to be Krishna’s personal tailor. So Radha & Sita adventures in dressing Krishna commence with such fun ambition!
raw materials extremely sparkly! add extra decoration to the pink pants for Krishna Extreme decoration at Krsna ankles The pattern allows for slipping down between his legs and over the joined leg section on Krishna murti When I first stitched on this section it was a bit unattractive with blue net. I used gold sequins to cover and stitch down the net embelleshed with gold sequins A shawl, a vest, a skirt! The final PANTS with the overskirt and shawl and vest!
Using a lightweight shantung silk of a nearly perfect matching color (it took close to an hour to decide from my fabric silks which match was the best of 3!) I made pants.
The pants I added on the beautiful decorations and fresh gold sequins.
The little cap sleeves of the dress made perfect vest! You can see it in the pictures.
Using the net overskirt, I made a shawl and also the overskirt for Krsna – adding on extra embelishments and a special piece at the waist.
The outfit was looking beautiful! I was going to end it there! and I shared pictures with Radha and she said… what about a turban. HAHAH
Well she sent some inspiration – this princely picture of a turban, and it is what I was hugely inspired by.

Taking cue from this picture, I decided on a side mount of the remaining pieces of bling! I also used some more net, to do an extended long turban section, inspired by the above. Net fans and braid fans as well as some gorgeous accessories from India of peacock and fuschia jewels with peacock feathers were inserted.

I haven’t set up any pant tutorials for you yet, but when I do, and when I have the turban tutorial, I will update this post with links for you.

In the meantime, enjoy admiring sweet Sri Krishna in His Valentines day outfit!