Goverdhan puja Hill Activity:
You will need:
- Large saucer (either plastic or ceramic, depending on your budget)
- Soil (potting mix is fine)
- Your choice of Seeds – I suggest a combo of allyssium, or other low growing ground cover seeds including grass
Use a large platter, like a saucer for under a big pot (buy from a garden wares shop), and mound up soil. You can combine the soil with moisture retaining particles or if you buy a potting mix it may already have that in it.
Sew your seeds liberally – place the hill in a nice sunny spot.
Water daily with a gentle sprinkle
Watch and wait! Soon enough your little goverdhan hill will begin to sprout seedlings and you can watch it flourish.
You can now decorate your hill.
There a lots of mini kits online to use with terrariums, and this hill is just the right size to use them! Look out for mini deer, little rabbits, mushrooms, flowers and birds and cows, to decorate your hill.
You can also position a little Krsna atop your hill, but be mindful of not getting him wet! Krishna dolls are available at www.rememberkrishna.com/shop
If you would like to expand the Goverdhan hill activity you can also visit and download the beautiful ready to print pdf of Krishna and the residents of Vrindavan cut out figures. Print and color and cut – ready inhabitants of Vrindavan for the Goverdhan hill!
One of the nicest things about this activity is the way that you can look after it all year round, and keep adding on and growing new little things on your hill.
Goverdhan puja is such a wonderful festival and time of year a happy occasion to celebrate, and we can invite our children and friends into this world of transcendental happiness, enjoying decorating and making, and giving prasadam.
I have always wanted to have a Goverdhan hill for our home for my children to play with, and have been so enchanted and inspired by the Goverdhan celebrations and crafts I have seen from my friends and others online. This growing Goverdhan Hill activity was inspired by a dear friend who first made the hill at home, for her grandchildren – covered in tulasi and alyssum flowers and little seedlings. My sister in Hawaii also had in her garden a little rock mountain which was covered in moss where they placed a Krishna statute and had tulasi growing. It was in a central mound and we could circunambulate or and chant and worship goverdhan and Krishna.
Worship your hill by singing Jaya Goverdhan! Jaya Gopala, Goverdhan Giridhari.