It’s so special to offer Krsna our heartfelt and lovingly prepared offerings for His enjoyment! My dear friend and clever artist, teacher, and busy mother, Kalindi, put together this amazing presentation for a whole slew of children to be busily occupied in!
They had at least 5 practices and I had not seen a single thing before THE NIGHT! It was such an incredible performance, and honestly I had thought that maybe the puppet show (I knew they were practicing, at least) could be a fairly tame one to like a pre-recorded long storytape soundtrack, but WOW was I wrong! I was hollering for more when it finished! (No really, if you watch my version I’m cheering them on..). . . We all were!
When I asked Kalindi if she would like to share some photos and details about the puppet show creation with everyone to inspire and enthuse you, she was actually really happy and excited to, which makes me so happy! She’s prepared this great brief “how-to” and commentary for you, and I just know you will be as delighted as I am.
These puppets were designed to accompany the verses of the ‘Sri Dasavatara stotra’ Prayers by Jayadeva Goswami glorifying the incarnations of Lord Krishna on this planet.
Each puppet was carefully drawn onto black card with white pencil. Then cut out. A knife was used to stencil out all the intricate details. Some puppets had moving parts, so the limbs were drawn separately and reattached with a paper fastener. Bamboo sticks were stuck to the main body as a holding stick, using masking tape, with each moving limb attached to a separate stick with a loop of wire and tape.
The most difficult part of producing these puppets is trying to make the longer parts, such as arms and weapons, steady. This was done by taping on kebab sticks with tape and using clear sticky tape over all the stenciled out sections to protect from tearing.
The screen was made out of a white sheet, wooden poles and ropes attached for support.
When performing the show, there were between 2 to 4 people behind the screen at one time. Some puppets need 2 people to work them as it is important to have one person hold the support stick while parts are moving.
The most difficult part of producing these puppets is trying to make the longer parts, such as arms and weapons, steady. This was done by taping on kebab sticks with tape and using clear sticky tape over all the stenciled out sections to protect from tearing.
The most enjoyable puppet to work was Lord Matsya with his huge flapping tale and Lord Kalki, which had 3 people working him, as he could trot and stand on his hind legs.
Sri Dasavatara-stotra (from Gita-govinda) by Jayadeva Gosvami
pralaya-payodhi-jale dhritavan asi vedam
vihita-vahitra-caritram akhedam
kesava dhrita-mina-sarira jaya jagadisa hare
0 Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of a fish! All glories to You!
You easily acted as a boat in the form of a giant fish just to give protection to the Vedas, which had
become immersed in the turbulent sea of devastation.
kshitir iha vipulatare tishthati tava prishthe
kesava dhrita-kurma-sarira jaya jagadisa hare
0 Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of a tortoise! All glories to You!
In this incarnation as a divine tortoise the great Mandara Mountain rests upon Your gigantic back as a pivot
for churning the ocean of milk. From holding up the huge mountain a large scarlike depression is put in
Your back, which has become most glorious.
vasati dasana-sikhare dharani tava lagna
sasini kalanka-kaleva nimagna
kesava dhrita-sukara-rupa jaya jagadisa hare
0 Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of a boar! All glories to You!
The earth, which had become immersed in the Garbhodaka Ocean at the bottom of the universe, sits fixed
upon the tip of Your tusk like a spot upon the moon.
tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-sringam
kesava dhrita-narahari-rupa jaya jagadisa hare
0 Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of half-man, half-lion! All
glories to You! Just as one can easily crush a wasp between one’s fingernails, so in the same way the body of
the wasplike demon Hiranyakasipu has been ripped apart by the wonderful pointed nails on Your beautiful
lotus hands.
chalayasi vikramane balim adbhuta-vamana
kesava dhrita-vamana-rupa jaya jagadisa hare
0 Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of a dwarf-brahmana! All
glories to You! O wonderful dwarf, by Your massive steps You deceive King Bali, and by the Ganges water that
has emanated from the nails of Your lotus feet, You deliver all living beings within this world.
kshatriya-rudhira-maye jagad-apagata-papam
snapayasi payasi samita-bhava-tapam
kesava dhrita-bhrigupati-rupa jaya jagadisa hare
0 Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of Bhrigupati [Parasurama]!
All glories to You! At Kurukshetra You bathe the earth in the rivers of blood from the bodies of the
demoniac kshatriyas that You have slain. The sins of the world are washed away by You, and because of You
people are relieved from the blazing fire of material existence.
vitarasi dikshu rane dik-pati-kamaniyam
dasa-mukha-mauli-balim ramaniyam
kesava dhrita-rama-sarira jaya jagadisa hare
0 Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of Ramacandra! All glories to
You! In the battle of Lanka You destroy the ten-headed demon Ravana and distribute his heads as a
delightful offering to the presiding deities of the ten directions, headed by Indra. This action was long desired
by all of them, who were much harassed by this monster.
vahasi vapushi visade vasanam jaladabham
kesava dhrita-haladhara-rupa jaya jagadisa hare
0 Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of Balarama, the wielder of
the plow! All glories to You! On Your brilliant white body You wear garments the color of a fresh blue rain
cloud. These garments are colored like the beautiful dark hue of the River Yamuna, who feels great fear due to
the striking of Your plowshare.
nindasi yajna-vidher ahaha sruti-jatam
sadaya-hridaya darsita-pasu-ghatam
kesava dhrita-buddha-sarira jaya jagadisa hare
O Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of Buddha! All glories to You!
O Buddha of compassionate heart, you decry the slaughtering of poor animals performed according to the rules
of Vedic sacrifice.
mleccha-nivaha-nidhane kalayasi karavalam
dhumaketum iva kim api karalam
kesava dhrita-kalki-sarira jaya jagadisa hare
O Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed the form of Kalki! All glories to You!
You appear like a comet and carry a terrifying sword for bringing about the annihilation of the wicked
barbarian men at the end of the Kali-yuga.
sri-jayedeva-kaver idam uditam udaram
srinu sukha-dam subha-dam bhava-saram
kesava dhrita-dasa-vidha-rupa jaya jagadisa hare
O Kesava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have assumed these ten different forms of
incarnation! All glories to You! O readers, please hear this hymn of the poet Jayadeva, which is most excellent,
an awarder of happiness, a bestower of auspiciousness, and is the best thing in this dark world.
Last week, on Thursday, my very dear father suddenly and unexpectedly left his body.
I was minutes away, and close enough to witness the attempt to revive his body, restart his heart; and to bear witness to the fact that he was well and truly blessed to escape that body. It was so well-used and had begun to fail him in every way. He could no longer walk without wheels, he could no longer play the guitar which he loved to do, he’d not been able to surf for years and years, and had gotten to the point where he could barely eat. Even so his spirit was so bright that we just felt he would go on with us here forever.
My sister and I had been talking just half an hour before he left, about how much we would miss him, and how extreme the deterioration of his physical condition was. . . but the shock of the sudden departure, and the difficulty of how much we MISS his physical presence!
The thing is, we feel sad because we miss him so much, but we also feel so absurdly blessed and happy, to know that he has left us, but not for some unforseen location, but directly stepped into the waiting arms of Sri Krishna, the presence of his beloved friends and spiritual guides.
Having such solid reassurance refreshes and reaffirms my gratitude that we have been blessed to be invited to the world of Krishna.
I can’t even imagine experiencing this loss without the benefit of spiritual vision.
Dear dad was so favored by Krishna, that he met his spiritual master, Abhay Charan das Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad, while dad was still a youth. He was introduced by friends (nice friends to have!), and was immediately attracted to the chanting of Krishna’s holy names. Eventually, he married a very wonderful devotee (my mum!) and had 6 children. Yes, six!!! By the arrangement of Krsna, we have all been blessed to be raised by Vaishnava parents who nurtured our attraction to Krishna, and attachment to Guru, Krsna’s pure loving servant and representative.
Dads two spiritual masters
It’s so nice to have a lot of brothers and sisters, especially ones who we can chant and dance and cry and laugh with, as we feel happy/sad with a lifetime of memories.
All through the years of his life, but especially once his body started deteriorating rapidly, my dad clung on to the shelter of the lotus feet of his spiritual master. The main impetus sustaining his ongoing struggle with his body, was the chance to hear, chant, learn, surrender. He wasn’t perfect – he wasn’t all “holy” and that is so encouraging. I have full faith, that as he chanted and surrendered to sweet Krsna, embracing Krsna heart to heart, he will be re-situated in his eternal position as a beloved friend of Sri Krishna.
I feel encouraged to continue, and do my best to make my choices the ones which will bring me closer to my friend Krsna, and not bring me away. .
When I was young, we heard a lot of times the phrase tossed around “be pleasing to your Spiritual master”… I feel like, it was not until I was older and increased in understanding that I was able to comprehend the essential message of this somewhat casual phrase. What is pleasing to the devotee of Krishna is ANYTHING which brings you closer to Krsna. The only things displeasing, are those which take you further AWAY from Sri Krishna. Doesn’t that make life easy? Life choices can be distilled into; is this going to enhance my attachment and attraction to Krsna, or will it put barriers in place and make me more attached and attracted to this world and sense-enjoyment?
Dear dad, thank you for this gift of life, this gift of love. The knowledge that if you live your life in attachment to Krishna, then leaving this world means reunion with Sri Krishna.
My dear friends, I wanted to share with you the most beautiful prayer, message, and invitation, a message of love that is so sweet and kind. Please read on for notes I took during a lecture from my dear Gurudev, and take up the message and embrace Krsna to your heart. . .
The loving servant of Krishna appears for the singular purpose of inviting us back home to the world of Krishna. He tells us, “the world of Krishna is so wonderful – there is no birth, there is no death, there is no old age, no disease, no hankering, there are no unfulfilled desires or cravings so there is no anxiety, no fear. The world of Krishna is sat-cit-ananda – full of transcendental knowledge and ananada or blissfulness. In this transcendental abode, there is nothing to be desired. One finds there is nothing more to be gained. Krishna is complete satisfaction for the individual spirit soul. When we have a loving relationship with Krishna, we have no need for anything else. All sense of need is gone. There is nothing lacking. The world of Krishna is beyond imagination. The world of Krishna is beyond our ability to speculate about.By the mercy of the devotee of Krishna we can get a glimpse of blissfulness and the happiness which can be ours.
A lover of Krishna comes and invites me to a the world of Krishna, invites me to have a loving relationship with Krishna.
The lover of Krishna says, ‘My dear friend, just see Krishna. He is your best friend. By cultivating love for Him all of your desires will be disappear, you will be free from them and you will be satisfied’.
We hear about Krishna and see his loving relationships in the spiritual world. We hear how wonderful it is, how wonderful Krishna is, and then we may desire to have a loving relationship with Krishna. We begin to want to live in the abode of Krishna. Hearing about it we understand it sounds very wonderful. We become very attracted to the idea that when we leave this world we can enter a world of pure spirit, no more matter, but eternality and true spiritual love. We hear about that and want that. We hear that we can have a loving relationship with Krishna here and now. Not in the future but now. So we chant, offer water, fruit flowers to Krishna.
But may doubt this, thinking “Maybe I am not engaging in Krishna’s service very nicely. This isn’t the best flower, we could do better with offerings, I am certainly not being perfect in my service, and I am making mistakes’. If we are trying to do practical service or spread the names of Krishna or help carry out the mission of Spiritual master. We may be doing music, videos, movies, business or other things, while doing them I know that what I’m doing is not perfect, I make mistakes, I screw up, and then I may begin to doubt and think that “I’m not perfect and my service can’t be perfect” and start to think that, ‘I’m not qualified, my service is full of faults and imperfections’. So we begin to doubt that I could hve a relationship of love with Krishna, that I could actually be welcome into the arms of Krishna, be welcome into Krishna’s abode.
At this time, we need to remember that what Krishna is looking at is not exactly the things that we are doing, the service we are offering, but the spirit which motivates us – our intention to be pleasing, and it is inseparable from our love.
Gopal Bhata Goswami worships Damodar Shila
In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna says,
“If one offers me with love and devotion a leaf, flower, fruit or water, I shall accept it”.
Maybe you are offering a little flower or fruit. The key is to offer it with love – devotion. When we are offering our service, whatever we are doing, if our intention is to be pleasing because of our love for our Spirtiual master and Krishna, even if it is not perfect, or there are some mistakes in our efforts to use our bodies, minds and intelligence in Krishna’s service, if we are motivated by our desire to be pleasing out of our love, then we are connected to Krishna.
Everybody makes mistakes. It is impossible to be perfect in our service. If we are preaching and trying to give people Krishna, perfect would mean that everything will be successful. If we are trying to use our time and efforts to raise our children, hoping that they will be attracted to Krishna, and one of our children, or some of our children or all of our children end up not being interested in this life/ or at this time in cultivating love for Krishna we may think that ‘I am a failure – what have I achieved?’ If you have been doing it out of a desire to be pleasing then you have been successful. You are connected to Krsna out of love. The foundations of your life’s activities is pleasing Krishna. Krishna is not so interested in exactly what you are doing as he is in your offering, your love. Your desire to be pleasing to him out of love.
Krishna enjoys your love. He is completely self-sufficient. What is important is your desire to be pleasing.
He doesn’t need your fruit or flowers – everything is completely created from Krishna’s energy anyway. But there are opportunities for us to offer to Krishna as a connector. It connects us. We get to offer Krishna my time, my talents, my intelligence. Whatever little things I have that I know he doesn’t need, I get to offer these out of love. Whatever opportunity I have, all opportunities to connect through offering service.
Service itself is not the most important thing. It is a means by which I can re-establish a loving connection with Krishna. While doing so I will be fumblin and bumbling around. It is not going to ever be perfect.
We need to appreciate that Krishna’s love for me is unconditional. He doesn’t need my “service”.
Lord Chaitanya gives us the opportunity to be part of his mission. It is up to me to choose to be a part of it. He doesn’t need me, and is not dependent on it.
When the spritual master is chanting the names of Krishna it is an invitation to the spiritual world. ‘Welcome, please enter the spiritual world’. Out of compassion and love he pleads,
“Don’t remain in this world of self-centredness, enter Krishna’s world. You will be happy in this world and will continue after leaving this world. My dear friends, please consider this invitation seriously”.
Lord Nityananda –
Nityananda’s body has a slightly reddish hue, a golden cloth decorates Nityananda’s hips, ankle bells adorn his feet. His eyes are wide and long like a deer – He has a shining smile. Peaceful lotus face with long earrings and bangles.
(my notes from a description heard from a reading of the Chaitanya Mangal, my notes were very imperfect but the description is still wonderful)
Sri Nitai went on pilgramage around the whole world looking for you, Gauranga.
Lord Nityananda is the perfection of pure prema. You are always happy. Lord Nityananda please let me be happy with you in an ocean of nectar of Krishna prema. Let me taste that nectar.
If we chant Nityananda, begging for his blessings, surely he will be merciful upon us.
(My notes from my dear gurudev speaking on Lord Nityananda’s Appearance day)