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I just LOVE kirtan!

Well I think we all know I’m not a kirtan hoarder, I LOVE to spread the love!

I’ve put together an ongoing list of my favorite kirtan sources that you can all listen to on my YOUTUBE channel, here’s the link:

I also have my absolute favorites on Soundcloud (I love soundcloud while I work!) The cool band Atmosphera is great for ambient music that makes me happy and I can still work really well to. Some amazing kirtans are just perfect crafting soundtrack but I get distracted and sing along, so they don’t go great with my day job.


Science of Identity

(You can download a beautiful kirtan album from !) And MORE

So those are a few of the sound tracks I love to play while crafting, working, living and sleeping!

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Remember Krishna – the solution to all of life’s problems

remember krishna radha decorated with garland with fairylights poster

Please read on where I am sharing the most beautiful spiritual wisdom talk shared by my own spiritual teacher, who has given us all this gift of transcendental knowledge.

Take heart; Remembering Krishna makes it possible to have actual life.
When you remember Krishna big mountains seem like very small hills you can easily cross.
When you’re not remembering Krishna even small hills look too hard.
When you remember Krishna you have courage facing difficulties & challenges.
When you forget Krishna even the smallest obstacles seem insurmountable, you experience frustration, anxiety, depression.
When you remember Krishna you experience hope.
We forget Krishna & experience hopelessness.
When we remember Krishna we experience purposefulness.
When we forget Krishna we experience life is without any purpose.
When we remember Krishna we are surcharged with spiritual strength.
When we forget Krishna we become spiritually weak.
When we forget Krishna we are like a blind person, we cant see which way to go or where to aim.
When We remember Krishna we can see very clearly what path to follow.
When We remember Krishna our hearts fill with love, appreciation & gratitude.
When we forget Krishna we have hate, anger, feeling resentful, jealousy.
When we remember Krishna we experience tolerance, patience, forgiveness.
When we forget Krishna forgiveness is beyond our reach. We cannot forgive those who offend us.
Simply by remembering Krishna we have life – with forgetfulness of Krishna we have darkness & death.
We should always remember Krishna, and organise our life so that we always remember Krishna.
Chant japa – japa is the private practice of chanting names of Krishna solitarily.
If we neglect to spend time everyday chanting our japa, if we take lightly this instruction from our Spiritual master and don’t spend time alone with Krishna chanting japa then our remembrance of Krishna is weakened.
Some disciples think they are so busy that they don’t have time. They think that they cannot put aside an hour of the morning to chant the names of Krishna.
This is a big mistake. There is no meaning to ‘service’ without remembrance of Krishna.
If we neglect to follow the our vow of spending time with Krishna then we are undermining or rejecting the relationship with our spiritual master and Krishna.
when we neglect this basic central instruction to chant japa by ourselves with Krishna focused on hearing th enames, the form and pastimes of Krishna then we are neglecting the most wonderful opportunity that has been given by Krishna to come into contact with His representative and receive His holy names.
First make sure to remember Krishna by spending time every day chanting japa. Every opportunity here and there through the day we can do more japa.
Hearing the names of Krishna, putting on a cd of Krishna chanting, listening to the names of Krishna and hearing pastimes of Krishna, the names and forms of Krishna & chanting in congregational kirtan.
Organise your life so you are engaged in Krishna.
We eat and drink throughout the day – we can offer that to Krishna.
Remembering Krishna.
We offer obeisances to our Spiritual Master by thanking him for filling our hearts with transcendental knowledge – the truth of my identity that I am part and parcel of Krishna. He is my dear-most friend.
Remember Krishna means remembering our relationship with Krishna, not philosophically but in tasting love for Krishna, in remembering our loving relationship with Krishna.
Transcendental knowledge and love for Krishna are one and the same.
The realization of transcendental knowledge means loving Krishna.
My dear Krishna, you are the heart of my heart, the life of my life, let me take shelter of you. Just rest your heart and mind in Krishna – this is rememberance of Krishna.
This remembrance of Krishna saves us from the greatest dangers, the darkest night.
In all situations just remember Krishna, this is the solution to all of lifes problems.
Just remember Krishna means love Krishna.
Love Krishna and remember Krishna is one and the same. Please chant the names of Krishna

My notes from a lecture given by Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa Prabhupad a bonafide disciple of a bonafide spirtual master coming in a long line of spiritual teachers, originating from God Himself.

Any errors are due to my own note-taking & poor memory, and I beg you will forgive me for them.
For more nectarian instruction visit
Follow instagram @scienceofidentity for regular spirtual wisdom love bursts on your insta feed!

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Radharani’s 8 chief gopi companions

Krsna standing with Radha Lalita Vishaka 8 principal gopi friends in forest under tree with peacocks

She also excitingly commissioned new gopi dolls for her granddaughters – she wanted to give them a birthday gift to match the Krsna doll they already had, and asked me to create two more gopi friends as well as Radharani.

Well you can imagine the burst of joyous creativity this inspired!

I worked on Lalita and Vishaka because I was so attracted to their descriptions, and also made Campakalata, after looking up the description of the Campaka flower.

radharani and krishna dolls with 8 principal gopis for sale

To create artwork I did some research, and I hope you will forgive my literal interpretations. It may not be precisely correct, but it was helpful to me in creating the really sweet dolls I have made.


Description of The Eight Principal Gopis


  1. Lalita devi – 14yrs 8 months & 27days (older than Radha)

Constant companion of Srimati Radharani. She has a beautiful bright yellow complexion

Wears a dress the colour of peacock feathers.

Carries a parasol for RK

Decorates Them with flowers & decorates Their cottage when they rest at night.

Image result for peacock feathers
peacock feathers
  1. Visakha devi – 14 yrs 2 months & 15 days (same age as Radharani)

Her garments are decorated with stars

Complexion, cream colour with a tinge of red.

Likes to dress & decorate Radha & the gopis

Likes to be a messenger between RK

Expert at joking with Krishna


  1. Campakalata 14yrs 2 months & 13 & ½ days (younger than Radha by 1 day)

Complexion like the yellow campaka flower

Garments the color of a blue-jay’s

Expert at collecting fruits, flowers & roots from the forest.

Expert cook – expert at making various kinds of candy.

She can skillfully fashion things from clay with her hands.

Seva is to offer jeweled necklaces and to fan with a camara.

Image result for Campaka flower Campakalaata
Campakalata has a complexion like the Campaka flower. Magnolia champaca, known in English as champak, is a large evergreen tree in the Magnoliaceae family. It was previously classified as Michelia champaca. It known for its fragrant flowers, and its timber used in woodworking.
blue Jay of india
From the Odisha forest website, photo of Blue Jay Description: State Bird: Blue Jay The blue jay is commonly known as Roller under the family Coraciidae. India is famous for a single type of blue jay which is popularly called “Indian Roller Bird”. In Hindi its popular name is ” Nilkanth ” or “Sabzak”. This is an attractive Oxford-and-Cambridge blue bird about the size of a pigeon. They are believed to be near relatives of bee-eaters and kingfishers. They are strongly-built and jay- like. They are characterized by a big head, heavy bill, rufous brown breast, pale blue abdomen and blunt tail. The tail is square. The dark and pale blue colours in the wings show up as brilliant shining bands in flight. Blue jay prefers open cultivated green country and avoids dense forests. Source:
  1. Citra-devi 14 yrs 7 months 14 days (younger than Radharani by 26 days)

Complexion like saffron

Garments the color of crystal

Her seva is bringing cloves & garlands

She can nicely make various kinds of nectarean beverages.

Expert in playing music on pots filled with varying degrees of water.

Especially expert at gardening

She is the leader of the gopis who collect transcendental herbs and medicinal creepers from the forest (they don’t collect flowers or anything else)

Saffron flower and the tiny philamen which is harvested and used for cooking.
  1. Tunga vidya 14yrs 2 months & 22 days (15 days younger than Radha)

Complexion color of kumkuma

Wears white garments

Seva is dancing and singing, she is a celebrated music teacher expert at playing the vina & singing in the style known as marga.

Expert in dancing, drama, literature and all other arts & sciences.

Image result for kunkum
kunkum powder
  1. Indulekha 14yrs 2 months & 10 & ½ days ( 3 days younger than Radha)

Has a tan complexion

Wears the color of pomegranate flower

Often serves K by bringing nectar-like delicious meals.

Seva is fanning with chamara fan

Expert at stringing various kinds of wonderful necklaces, gemology & weaving various kinds of cloth.

Related image
Beautiful big pomegranate flower.

Related image

  1. Ranga devi 14yrs 2 months & 4 & ½ days ( 7 days younger than Radha)

Complexion the color of a lotus filament

Garments are red

Expert in the use of perfumes & cosmetics and aromatic incense.

She carries coal during the winter and fans the divine couple in the summer.

Also her & her friends are able to control the lions, deer & other wild animals in the forest.

Related image
lotus with beautiful golden yellow filaments (the tiny hairs around the central pod)
Image result for lotus filament
Don’t mind all they copymarks but here is a close up of lotus filament! Isn’t it beautiful?!
  1. Sudevi 14yrs 2 months & 4 days

She is the sweet and charming sister of Ranga devi, slightly older by ½ day (twin)

So similar to Ranga devi that they are often mistaken for one another.

Complexion colour of lotus stamen

Wears colour of the red jaba flower (hibiscus)

Seva is to bring water

Arranges Radha’s hair, decorates Her eyes with mascara and massages Her body with scented oils.

Expert in training male & female parrots.

Expert sailor, knows how to start fires & keep them burning and knows which flowers blossom with the rising of the moon.

Image result for red hibiscus
red hibiscus

Image result for lotus stamenImage result for lotus flower cross section

If you would like to get a copy of this to print or store for later, you can download the document Description of The Eight Principal Gopis HERE.

Because this is a super interesting topic – who can ever get tired of the Gopi Companions of Srimate Radharani, I am working on a new set of all 8 cheif gopi companions of Radha!

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Why Krishna art

Krishna doll from Remember Krishna shop online doll blue boy


I remember practicing to draw that beautiful blue treasure of our hearts when I was just a little tyke!
In fact I remember the first drawings of some of the most incredible artists of this age (Yep I’m looking at you, Devaki & Yogananda!)

Because we all dote on Krishna we can look fondly on the blue or yellow or green scribble and encourage further attempts.

The thing I find the most encouraging is that, Krishna’s sweetness can be evident even in a sketchy scribble where the arms maybe not exactly proportionate or even correct, but we can see tilak or some effulgence and we have this little piece of remembrance.

While I personally am only a mediocre artist, and am always learning more, it is a great delight to draw and practice on Krishna.

little syamasundar doll with his finger in his mouth krsna peacock feather and dhoti Thankfully many people have enjoyed my Krishna art and of course I am thrilled to be able to sell my Krishna dolls.

When I was little our parents encouraged us to create by giving us stories of Krishna, nursery rhymes which had lyrics about Him, and always coloring in activities with Krishna and His transcendental companions.  If you remove tv and computer games as a distraction then there’s a lot more time to develop an interest! Interestingly – and this is not at all the point of my post but a fascinating side note – Bill Gates, the genius behind Microsoft computers, does not even allow his kids to own or have devices – citing developing creativity and interests as his parenting reasoning.

So, the beauty of capturing Krishna in art is such that, while we do so we can absorb ourselves in thinking about Him (what does He look like? How does He stand/ what does He wear, what have I heard about Him that I can incorporate into this artwork?).

The beauty for the audience is they also get to enjoy remembering Krishna by gazing upon the Krsna artwork – however inexpertly created. A win win situation!

deity paint in oils for metal murti krsna formsWhile I work on painting my Krishna dolls, I find it is conducive to listen to a lecture, so my ears are occupied in hearing while my hands are busy. This can be nice, but other great times are when family is gathered or friends are visiting – like someone who knits, always on your lap!

Adorable but shiny

I also ask Krishna for His blessings and assistance before I try and represent Him – most especially before I attempt to paint deities of the Lord, I pay my obeisances and ask Krishna for His help to guide my hand – I need it because I am not very expert, but who can accurately portray the beauty of Krishna without His assistance?

Remembering Krishna’s name, qualities, beauty and pastimes I have some very very favorite and inspiring quotes to share with you to assist you in your own creativity painting Krishna.

Sri Krsna’s complexion is as enchanting as an emerald, a tamala tree, or a group of beautiful dark clouds. He is an ocean of nectarean handsomeness.

He wears yellow garments and a garland of forest flowers. He is decorated with various jewels and He is a great reservoir of the nectar of many transcendental pastimes.

His handsome crown is decorated with many different flowers. His handsome forehead is splendidly decorated with tilaka markings and curling locks of hair.

The playful movements of His raised, dark eyebrows enchant the hearts of the gopis.

The tip of His nose is as handsome as the beak of Garuda, the king of birds.

His charming ears and cheeks are decorated with earrings made of various jewels.

He speaks many charming jokes.


Decorated with a necklace of pearls, the beauty of His neck enchants the residents of the three planetary systems. Decorated with a necklace of pearls and with the Kaustubha gem, which shines like lightning, Krsna’s handsome chest longs to enjoy the company of the beautiful gopis.

Decorated with bracelets and armlets, Krsna’s arms hang down to His knees.


Krsna’s knees are very splendid, charming and handsome.

His charming lotus feet are decorated with jeweled ankle-bells.

Krsna’s feet have the luster of roses, and they are decorated with various auspicious markings, such as the markings of the disc, half-moon, octagon, triangle, barleycorn, sky, parasol, waterpot, conchshell, cow’s footprint, svastika, rod for controlling elephants, lotus flower, bow and jambu fruit.

His reddish toes are decorated with the row of full moons that are His toenails.

Although we have sometimes compared Krsna’s handsomeness to various things, nothing can actually be equal to it.





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Photograph Krsna competition Ideas

sweet baby krishna doll resting in a field of tulsi, on a dandelion puff in the green grass with yellow dhoti and bum up

cute balaram krishna jewellery
Baby Balaram pendant resting on a dandelion Krishna doll love


It’s been so nice seeing the different photographs people have been taking, staged with my sweet lil Krsna figures.. . You might have seen some of them on Instagram or Facebook – Here’s a few:

So, some of you suggested that I create a competition with a prize, for taking photo captures of my Krishna dolls, Balaram dolls, Radha dolls, & little Nimai dolls! Which I was interested in, but felt that probably the amount of people who have my little Krishna figures are quite limited – maybe 200 people? So I felt like that was too exclusionist for all my worldwide instagram friends! Besides which, for some, it’s simply not feasible to buy my Krsna dolls because of the conversion rate and shipping costs (how am I going to ship cheaper!?! Australia is such a far away place for most of you!).

Well because you guys are basically geniuses you suggested opening up the competition so that it can be ANY Krishna doll. I like it! I’m an inclusive sort of person, not exclusive…

Now all the little details are starting to jostle in my head!

Do we limit it to Krsna DOLLS only?

What about Deities?

Whose to say whats a doll whats a deity/ Krishna murti? See! Boggled!

Adorably positioned and photographed krishna doll, balaram doll, and radha doll positioned in a little travel cart

And how could I possibly judge all the wonder I just KNOW you creative people are going to come up with…

  1. Should I have a panel of judges (would you like to be on it?) Should I have #peoplesvote (how does that work by the way!)

  2. Should I run it from Facebook (would you keep up with it on Facebook?) & Instagram?

  3. How long would you need to really brainstorm and prep your amazing photoshoot?

  4. Have I forgotten anything????

What excites me about this competition idea is how much fun enthusiasts will have with it!


I was so delighted to glimpse all the Lego Krishna pastime settings which my clever friend Kalindi set up in 2016. So I know that the kids LOVE the challenge, and Krishna kids – now that’s my passion!

See how much help I need?!  Please comment with your ideas, or email me!