This is a song by Narottama dasa Thakura in praise of the glories of Lord Caitanya.
For any devotees who want to relish the transcendental and nectarian words of the devotees of Shri Krishna Chaitanya, I know you will be so happy to have this soundtrack to listen to. Lord Chaitanyas devotional songs are the heart and soul of His devotees!
Anyone who has accepted the two lotus feet of Lord Chaitanya as their only asset knows the true essence of devotional service. If anyone gives submissive aural reception to the pleasing and sweet pastimes of Lord Chaitanya, then immediately his heart becomes cleansed of all material contamination.
For you to read, here is the verse and translation to learn and sing along with in this wonderful melody.
The Glories of Sri Gauranga from Prarthana by Sri Narottama dasa Thakura
Text One
gaurangera duti pada, jar dhana sampada, se jane bhakati-rasa-sar gaurangera madhura-lila, jar karne pravesila, hrdoya nirmala bhelo tar
Anyone who has accepted the two lotus feet of Lord Chaitanya as their only asset knows the true essence of devotional service. If anyone gives submissive aural reception to the pleasing and sweet pastimes of Lord Chaitanya, then immediately his heart becomes cleansed of all material contamination.
Text Two
je gaurangera nama loy, tara hoy premodoy, tare mui jai bolihari gauranga-gunete jhure, nitya-lila tare sphure, se jana bhakati-adhikari
Anyone who simply chants the name of Sri Krishna Chaitanya will immediately develop love of Godhead. I offer him all congratulations by saying, ‘Bravo!’ If anyone feels ecstasy and cries by simply hearing the transcendental qualities of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, he at once understands the eternal loving affairs between Radha and Krishna.
Text Three
gaurangera sangi-gane, nitya-siddha kori’ mane, se jay brajendra-suta-pas sri-gauda-mandala-bhumi, jeba jane cintamani, tara hoy braja-bhume bas
Anyone who has understood that the associates of Lord Chaitanya are eternally liberated souls immediately becomes eligible to enter into the abode of Krishna, the son of Nanda Maharaja in Vrndavana, in his next birth. If anyone understands that there is no difference between Gauda-mandala, the place in West Bengal wherein Lord Chaitanya had His pastimes then he actually lives in Vrndavana.
Text Four
gaura-prema-rasarnave, se tarange jeba dube, se radha-madhava-antaranga grhe ba vanete thake, ‘ha gauranga’ bo’le dake, narottama mage tara sanga
Anyone who takes pleasure sporting within the waves of the ocean of Lord Chaitanya’s distribution of love of God immediately becomes a confidential devotee of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava. It doesn’t matter whether such a devotee is in the renounced order of life or whether he is a householder. If he is actually taking part in Lord Chaitanya’s sankirtana activities and actually understanding what it is, then such a person is always liberated. Narottama dasa aspires for his association.
I grew up listening to this wonderful prayer on repeat, and my dear friends, you need to be able to hear it to! Would you like more access to some of the wonderful soundtracks I was blessed to learn about? I bet you would! So I will keep seeking them out and sharing here.
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