Appropriate use of the desire to beautify your home is fully realised in setting up Krishna’s altar.
I’ve created a round of inspirational home altars that you will love to look at!

This is more like candy for your eyes than an instructional post – for HOW TO then you can refer to my post covering some of the fundamentals.
In no particular order:
Oh Krishna! Calling the gopis by the moonlight!

Dreamy moonlight and glorious Krishna! Worshipped with sweet Gaura Hari on this most lovely of home altars!
Keeping Syamasundar company

the Gopis of Vrindavan keep Krishna company here, what a riot of beauty!
Srimate Radha & Sri Krishna

Radha and Krishna most beautifully worshipped in this home altar with a custom painted backdrop of Vrindavan. This pujari regularly changes the backdrops, to match outfits, and seasonally, with festivals. I was fortunate enough to make their wigs and paint them!
Krishna & His Animal Friends

Look! A peacock fan, artificial grass, lots of animal friends, and sweet Krishna in this home altar !
Looking for a guide on how to set up an altar for home deity worship? View this post!
Festival season decorations

A glorious fresh leaf backdrop with diy peacock feather fans … so sweet! Home altar worship so fun when involving the family to decorate. You can see all the little carved cows and inhabitants of Vrajabhumi.
Sidelong Glances & their parrot friends

I love how sweet this little Radha and Krishna set is. The way Radha is delicately smaller than Krsna and most especially the parrots on the little swing! Their delicate elaborate altar temple is most charmingly carved and painted. I would lOVE to apply some of this to my altar!
Sri Sri Radha Krishna most lovingly worshipped

Everything of perfection! Little decorative lighting, Krishna’s surabhi cows, a charming cloth on the home altar platform, and oh so many more beautiful considerate finishing touches, how marvellous to see all the care gone into worshipping their wonderful Lordships.
Jesus Appearance Day altar!

Showing that an altar can be incredibly simple and yet, so nice!
Finally, not specifically on the home temple topic, but sweet little Krishna deity resting in a charming canopied bed!
I love how much thought has gone into creating this special resting place for Krishna, the little curtains with decorative beading, the pretty and silky bedding, and all that ornamental silverwork which is simply astonishing! You might take off his crown before sleep tho, for ultimate rest 🙂

Setting the mood
with beautiful backdrops! View my post all about backdrops here;
Develop your personal relationship with the Lord!
If you want to know how you can nicely care for Krishna on your home altar, I’m delighted to recommend this series of videos put together by a very nice Vaishnava devotee of the Lord.
Thanks so much for reading, if you have a special altar you would like to see featured in another round up (because who can ever get enough?!) please get in touch with me! You can contact via the contact form or reach out on instagram!
Love, Sita