Spring has Sprung! Have some patience and I’m going to tell you how we can easily start worshipping a gorgeous Krishna deity at home… it’s a winding tale, with lots of beautiful Krishna photos, so read on!
With a bit of a stagger and a wobble, our Ozzie weather has swung into Spring!
I am thrilled with our warmer weather, as over the 40 final days of winter, my Lord Vanvihari has worn nearly all of His long sleeved outfits!

Spring gives us exciting new chances for dressing – because Spring here in Australia really means summer type weather for the rest of the world!
Remixing dhoti’s with a variety of shawls, sashes, and turbans, is a beautiful opportunity to really play with color and texture, and show off My Lord’s broad chest decorated with Tilak and the mark of Srivatsa, of course! I just love to see his strong arms and belly button!

On Janmastami this year I finally welcomed Him into regular worship on my home altar.
The Lords Gaura Nitai have been doing a slow dance around the altar as we work out the best arrangement for everyone’s comfort. Here’s some of our crazy configurations!
One of the things which has come as a slight surprise to me is raising up my Lord Vanvihari Krishna! I didn’t intend to, but as at 18inches tall, his flute is a little in the way of Lord Nityananda, unless I raise Sri Vanvihari up a few inches. Currently He has stood on a beautiful enamelled jewelery box, an inlaid wooden box and a wooden domed suitcase! The suitcase it’s funny, but it’s kind of hatbox shaped, with a flat back so it can butt against the backdrop of the altar, anyway it seems to be the best height and I am working on painting it. It’s had a navy base coat, and then I am going to paint on lotus flowers, to match the lotus flower bases I painted on Sri Gaura Nityananda.
Altar improvements have been going on for the past eternity, and it’s not likely to change!
With the introduction of Sri Vanvihari to my worshipable Lords, the currency (and gorgeous) altar backdrop became too short, so I’m looking at making a new backdrop for them. In the event of not finding something I can buy that I just over the top love, I’m creating my own in photoshop and I will be printing it. (let me know if you love it and want one too, I guess I could work out how to print and ship). Far off plans aside (I hope that isn’t another 10 year project!) I have also got plans to install pillars (columns) and a faux arch.
Bet it’s not that exciting to just HEAR about my plans, you would rather SEE something tactile!
Well, I wanted to talk to you about how incredibly life-enhancing it is to worship a deity of Sri Krishna, and then give you some compelling reasons to consider selecting one of the exquisite Krishna murti’s I have prepared for you!
By seeing the sweetness of Lord Krishna’s Deity form, and by hearing the descriptions of Lord Krishna’s pastimes, one develops a desire to fall in love with Krishna.
I have been completely blissed out dressing Krishna. Daily darshans on my RememberKrishna instagram account (for now, no promises to keep doing this!). How fun it is to dress the one who looks completely exquisite in every outfit?!
Let me tell you about my good friend…
My good friend has had a deity of Krishna for the past 10 years. She’s been waiting for her sister to paint him, and to create a wardrobe for him. I sew, and paint, myself! Yet it’s taken me a full year just to prepare his wardrobe, and I’m sewing deity clothes professionally (Or semi-professionally if I’m humble) for the past 15 years now! It took 3 years of working with sculpting artists to have him perfectly carved with the sort of particular refinements that were important to me.
You can avoid all the drama and serious stress by selecting from the beautiful Krishna murti which I have personally prepared for you. I’ve worked with sculptors and done my own carving to ensure each deity is as perfect a representation of Krishna as artistry can get. To suit each specific form of the Lord, I lovingly prepare a wardrobe of outfits – I call them krishna’s Glory Box, as they come with him to his new home with you!
From deep meditation on Krishna’s transcendental form and names, pastimes, and qualities, with great reverence and love together with a meticulous eye for detail, these forms are carefully and lovingly prepared ready for you to install.
So easy to choose a Krishna deity to worship!
How easy it is to carefully inspect a form of the lord who is already completely fresh and charmingly presented with jewels, hair, flute, accessories and garments?
As everyones support person for deity ordering, I have heard a lot of stories about the difficulties of working with Indian companies and ordering deities. Sometimes they arrive broken! Recently a friend on instagram ordered large marble deities who arrived with the hands and feet completely snapped off. OH MY GOSH the horrible heartache~ Worse! The seller is refusing to refund this friend.
Other people discuss how difficult it is to deal with the companies. Ordering a large 3ft statue the communications for one friend were almost incomprehensible, and the murti arrived only after much anxious nail-biting and stress. Happily, intact, but the painting requests had not exactly been followed!
Many people won’t have my exacting standards. I admit that I do seek perfection, and have a critical eye for detail that some don’t. But even for those people it is so much less baffling to be able to purchase a deity of Krishna who is ready with OUTFITS! HAIR! JEWELERY! A side benefit is being able to copy the patterns I have already worked out for your specific deity!
Easy to keep building His wardrobe!
When Krishna comes to you from my careful selection of lovingly prepared statues, you’ll be ready to easily order backup outfits in the future! Or reference my YouTube channel full of creative and inspiring outfits, as well as DIY tutorials on how to make your own deity clothes.
Currently here ready to come to you is beautiful Murli Manohar – 18 inch tall gorgeous form of Krishna with dewy eyes.

Do you have some experiences with ordering from India that have left you a little scarred? I would love to hear about it (and may even have some advice to offer).
My YouTube Channel has a variety of interesting videos to support you in choosing a Krishna deity to worship,
along with LOTS of previews of how beautiful this specific currently available Murli Manohar Krishna is!