Have you heard these amazing kirtan bands?
When you are growing up, you’re attracted to music – as you get older, for me at least, it dims in importance. But there are so many beautiful souls out in the world working on sharing their musical ability as a way of glorifying the supreme lord Sri Krishna – so why not support them, get behind their music and let our kids (and ourselves) enjoy the diverse musical arrangements that have only the most positive and beautiful lyrics and meanings!
I personally adore the music of the following bands, and I’d love to hear if you have some recommendations! In fact there are a few friends I need to chase up for I know they’ve had amazing music!
Atmasfera; watch their clips here: YOU TUBE
This might be my favorite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naCuh4lWXck
But then I adore this rocking one too!
Ashraya is wonderful!
They are a kirtan band, so all music is sacred mantra’s, oh you have to watch and hear! And if you ever get the chance, you MUST experience kirtan with Ashraya in person! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VnWvT38E_4
You can keep an eagle eye on their next appearances on their facebook page, and also their website has some music downloads for your listening delights! Go HERE
WAI LANA The exquisite music video by great yogi and artist Wai Lana is so beautiful and you must watch it at least once, and then you will be glued to it and watch it a thousand times!
View the dreamy soulful music video here
You can subscribe to Wai Lana You Tube, and she also has a website here https://www.wailana.com/ and a platform on almost every channel! Or should it be a channel on almost every platform? I’m not really sure, but it’s amazing to hear her beautiful songs.
In our life, the kids are starting to develop their own musical tastes and my daughter just adores Atmasfera, and Ashraya! It’s always good to share what and where we can, little life tips – you might enjoy reading this post i put together earlier on blogs to follow
More parenting wisdom acquired with tears and difficulty here.
The cute band 4 Jivas has some super sweet music – you can visit their facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/4Jivasband/ and watch their video here
Another fun band called Modiwo is one my friends only just introduced me to! I like their stuff – check them out: http://modiwo.com/
Man-tra pretty cute kirtan band for you to check out! Follow them on facebook here:
In fact, I was amazed recently to find some people do not sleep with music on auto repeat all night. When I was growing up we always had soft mellow kirtan chanting on repeat all night (on a tape deck at that time), and it’s something I have continued in our home for my children. The beautiful sound of kirtan can be a continuous background to your life, and your children will sleep easy hearing it.
In fact, I’m a little odd because I am happy to sleep with feverish, raging kirtan! My favorite go-to YouTube soundtracks and also for is Science of Identity Channel! Jumping and dancing and chanting loudly like this; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR-l4ACu56E
is a lullaby to me! What about you?
What’s your bedtime soundtrack?