Krishna deity – NandaKishore


Nanda Kishore – Nanda’s little boy.

Exquisite deity of Krishna – a 12 inch white marble murti of Krishna deity ready to install and worship!

Delicately blue-hued,Nanda Kishore, a name for Krishna which means “Nanda’s little boy” This name seems ideally suited to this deity form of Krishna, given His supremely youthful look.

Sweet Krishna murti comes with 7 special custom created outfits and necklace, turbans, anklets and bracelets, peackock feather and flute! One for every day of the week, and all can be pleasingly mixed and matched.

Exquisitely decorated with tilak and lovingly painted by Krishna devotee and artist, Sita dasi, this glorious form of the Lord comes to you completely ready to worship.

His wardrobe is crafted just for Him, fitting exquisitely. All future garments can be made referring to original pattern designs – making it so much easier to serve and sew for Him!

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You will receive:

12 inch hand carved marble Krishna murti

7 outfits

1 gold peacock flute

pair of pearl and gold anklets

pearl necklace

pearl bracelets

natural peacock feather (morpankh)

Additional information

Weight 5000 g
Dimensions 30 × 22 × 40 cm