Remember Krishna and celebrate His wonderful Appearance with your family!
My daughter has been stuck at home sick all week, but we have had such a nice time because of this craft!
In between woe and tissues, she’s loved lavishing attention and detail on the special names of Krishna and accompanying meaning of Krsna’s name on each Advent card.
These beautiful cards are created for this year – 2019 – and have 24 names of Krishna with their special meanings!
There is a version for AUSTRALIA and INDIA and one for USA and Other timezones!
Download the pdf and all instructions are set up for you.

DOWNLOAD the 24 Day Krishna Janmastami Advent calendar
You will need – 1 large sheet of craft card A2 size (light coloured or white)OR a large cork board instead glue stick watercolour paints or pencils or lead pencils and fine brushes larger brush for back ground watercolour washes jute string hole punch blue tack for extra hanging support (as the card starts to warp in)print out of all the name cards and title of calendar on a 170 gsm weight white printing card (or heavier weight)
Use watercolour paints or pencils to colour all the numbers and words. You can paint your large A2 size backing card as well with a water colour wash. You can colour each card with a water colour wash also leave to dry then paint the words and numbers, or just leave the background white.

Cut and fold all the name /number cards -these hang on the ‘line’ 4 cards per line.
If you are using a large card background measure 10 cm down from the top of your backing card then start mark holes for tying the string through. You can make each hole 9 cm apart if using the same paper size we used. Use a single hole puncher to punch out all the holes then cut 6 lengths of jute to make the lines. Punch 2 holes out of the top for a hanging string.
Calender will look like this, as every day you uncover a new name of Krishna!

Calendar example after 24 days! All names are now on display!

It’s a good idea to show the kids the concept, so they can visualise what their calender will look like and how to decorate the paper with Krishna’s beautiful names on it.

Advent Calender 2019 – Krishna Janmastami FREE PDF
Download this FREE pdf for Krishna Janmastami – the advent calender is created just for you to set up an exciting count down until Krishna’s birthday!
This free advent calender PRINTABLE PDF was graciously prepared by Kalindi dasi Head, from Australia!
Be sure to sign up to the newsletter for more free printables.