Discover a vibrant collection of Krishna deity forms, exploring diverse styles, looks, moods, and details for inspiration in your spiritual practice.
After years of working on different Krishna forms, so many different looks and moods, it might be nice to have a bit of a retrospective, with different Krishna forms, collected here.
When you are looking for ideas for different details like Krishna deity hands feet paintwork etc, we all need a little inspiration. I hope that you will enjoy the delightful and varied moods of Krishna deities here. (Not an exhaustive list!)
Overall, I tend to try and recreate the look of Krishna as a dark rain cloud, although sometimes His hue is more lit by moonlight, or as lightened by a ray of radiant sunshine.

So much variety of mood and love. One thing for sure is that worshipping a form of Krishna is a wonderful addition to your life and Sadhana Bhakti.
But wait! Explore the glorious forms of Krishna’s look when He’ s in the dark Syamasundar mood! Black and stormy dark, I love it best when His blackish skin looks like a galaxy, with glorious sparkles in the marble comprising the skin.
Different forms in black marble I have made and also black metal include the following forms with most beautiful stylish black complexion on our dear Krishna.

This list definately needs updating, as it does not include so many of the beautiful KRishna deity looks I have created for you!
Given how hard it is to choose a form of the Lord Shri Krishna to worship in deity form, how baffling it is to chose the deity look you want to see, what on earth did I choose when I gave my heart to KRishna deity form for my at home ishtadev?

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If you want to read more about choosing a deity of Krishna for your home deity worship, explore these posts
The most up to date and current projects are always shown on my Instagram account, as well as YouTube!