Krishna Radha Festival murti 12″inch
Radha Krishna deity worship at home is highly desirable! Set yourself up ready to offer puja and cultivate bhakti worshipping this exquisite and completely unique forms of Shri Shri Radha and Krishna.
This extraordinary 12-inch marble deity pair is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, adorned in a never-before-seen wedding attire. Sri Radha and Sri Krishna, the epitome of divine love, are resplendent in a stunning pomegranate red ensemble, capturing the essence of a royal Indian wedding.
Shri Radha, the epitome of grace, is adorned with a majestic, triple-tiered crown, while Shri Krishna, the divine charmer, is adorned with a lavishly jeweled turban. Each detail, from the intricate hand-painting to the delicate features, is a testament to artisanal skill and devotion.
This unique pair is an invitation to connect with the limitless ocean of mercy that is service to Shri Radha Krishna.
Invite Radha Krishna into your home and install them on your altar to worship with love.
Prepared with full shringar, the deities you will receive are the exact ones pictured, with these exact garments.
Read more about the great advantages of taking deities who are ready made and able to be immediately installed, Here.
For inquiries or custom orders, please email me here
In stock
You will receive: Radha Krishna pair dressed in festival shringar.
hand carved white marble colorwashed blue Krishna murti 12 inch tall
hand carved white marble colorwashed golden Radha murti 12 inch tall
1 outfits
1 flute
pair of anklets each
natural peacock feather (morpankh)
Hand stitched soft hair wig
as well as any add ons you have chosen