It’s been so nice seeing the different photographs people have been taking, staged with my sweet lil Krsna figures.. . You might have seen some of them on Instagram or Facebook – Here’s a few:
So, some of you suggested that I create a competition with a prize, for taking photo captures of my Krishna dolls, Balaram dolls, Radha dolls, & little Nimai dolls! Which I was interested in, but felt that probably the amount of people who have my little Krishna figures are quite limited – maybe 200 people? So I felt like that was too exclusionist for all my worldwide instagram friends! Besides which, for some, it’s simply not feasible to buy my Krsna dolls because of the conversion rate and shipping costs (how am I going to ship cheaper!?! Australia is such a far away place for most of you!).
Well because you guys are basically geniuses you suggested opening up the competition so that it can be ANY Krishna doll. I like it! I’m an inclusive sort of person, not exclusive…
Now all the little details are starting to jostle in my head!
Do we limit it to Krsna DOLLS only?
What about Deities?
Whose to say whats a doll whats a deity/ Krishna murti? See! Boggled!

And how could I possibly judge all the wonder I just KNOW you creative people are going to come up with…
Should I have a panel of judges (would you like to be on it?) Should I have #peoplesvote (how does that work by the way!)
Should I run it from Facebook (would you keep up with it on Facebook?) & Instagram?
How long would you need to really brainstorm and prep your amazing photoshoot?
Have I forgotten anything????
What excites me about this competition idea is how much fun enthusiasts will have with it!
I was so delighted to glimpse all the Lego Krishna pastime settings which my clever friend Kalindi set up in 2016. So I know that the kids LOVE the challenge, and Krishna kids – now that’s my passion!
See how much help I need?! Please comment with your ideas, or email me!
I’m just getting back to real life after some crazy weeks, so wondering if I’ve missed out on this fun competition!
Haribol Devaki!
Nope, I have yet to run it! was intending to announce it while I was on holiday but.. haven’t.
x Sita
I like lil krishna dol
Thanks Neeru!